First season of the comedy web series "The Behind Blinds

This is the best movies for 2016 and I bet you you will love it, the behind blinds is comedy web series of 8 episode produced by Black Anton an experience and Professional Producer, check out the review by other viewers.

This is the best movie making I have ever seen, I love behind the blinds, episode 1 is very perfect, I told my nice about behind the blinds film making and she shared her wonderful experience with me saying that behind the blinds AKA Film making 101 has always been in her to do list, every time she is back from work she love watching the Episodes.
Maurine Campbell
Wonderful Movies, the part that touches my heart most is Episode 2, how Ryan and Mr. Black Met Dick, I must say this, they have a very good team work, and this is well organized, please keep it going Anton Black.
Henry Smith

I like Episode 4, how the cast proved their sanity, it has thought me a lot, some cast are really crazy and funny, when it comes to interview, and Mr. Anton Black was too emotional during the interview, this is a most watch for everyone.
Paulina Lucky 

Mr. Black regime in episode 6 is just perfect, Dick Dick Rose was right you can’t fire people because of their religion, I like it when he says we learn to respect people, Love you Dick Rose you are such a funny guy, hope to see you in Season 2.
Amanda Oliver

Wonderful Ryan you are an excellent writer, your script are excellent and you did a good thing by not playing with Lola in the secret room and Lola did a good thing by admitting that she brought Ryan into the room, well Ryan is a good actor but always shy of acting the sex part .
Mrs. Lisa Jones

Anton Black is a professional Producer, I like the way he put the actors together, during their interview he was able to choose the best actors who are creative in acting and in organizing too, I will share this movie with my friends, and please I will love to watch season 2, thanks a lot.
Michael White
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